Purple Gentlemen Club is a Gentlemen’s Club nestled on Soi Bongkot 8, conveniently close to Amsterdam GC and Pirates. At Purple, patrons can enjoy the company of lovely ladies at the bar, in cozy booths, or, for those seeking more privacy, in the upstairs private rooms—a common feature in Gentlemen’s clubs.

Elevated Private Rooms

Private rooms in Pattaya’s gentlemen’s clubs are often quite standard. However, Purple has made some extra efforts in this department. They’ve given the rooms a purple-themed decor to align with the club’s name. Additionally, long mirrors have been installed to provide unique viewing angles.

An Experience in Line with the Best

In many ways, Purple operates in harmony with other bars in the vicinity. The ladies here may sport more revealing attire than those at nearby Carre Blanc, but the sensual services offered are similar.

While Purple may not appear vastly different from other gentlemen’s clubs on the strip at first glance, it’s the ladies that truly matter in such establishments. Purple boasts a lovely team of girls, numbering around ten. Most of them are in good shape and possess undeniable attractiveness. There are a couple of older ladies among them as well, catering to diverse preferences.

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Last updated: October 8th, 2023

Purple Club Location

417, 30 Bong Koch 8, Muang Pattaya, Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150

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